Saturday, April 12, 2003

Yes Ladies and Genglefan... We have a winner! Mr. Austin Durant, formerly of York PA, Currently residing on the campus of Temple University, In sunny, spectacular Philly PA (Which I hear is more fun if you stay over... Yes indeed... His prize (if he'd like to claim it.. is a bottle of Tabasco brand pepper sauce! yes indeed... good good stuff that pepper sauce! So Mr. Austin Durant give us another comment and claim your prize! And yes I could imagine if I got stupid drunk.. one of two things would happen A)Not being able to feel pain i'd probably run around trying to start fights with anyone and everyone... and everyone including me would wake up hung over AND broken... the other senerio is i'd probably go curl up in a corner and cry for hours... Either way.. probably not a good thing.. they world may never know.

For the few of you how do enjoy my Jazz ramblings... I just got the Jamey Abersol Playalong Vol. 13, Which is the Cannonball Adderly hits playalong... it's pretty hot... I really pretty much suck at all the solos, I just can't figure out how cannonball rocks so hard... but ohh well, it'll be something to work at... Mercy, Mercy, Mercy sums it up just right...

There is also an honorable mention I must make... Mr. Dan Melius a long time friend (2 years almost!) but first time commentor! Lets give him a hand folks... Dan Melius!!

So the spring arts merriment is continueing, the choir rehersal went pretty well this morning... but the jazz concert wasn't so hot, I had a hard time hearing myself, and a mix of my usual suck and that made me suck for sure... But ohh well, I never liked playing outside with a big group much... the sound just dissapears.. I'd rather have some nice acoustics... or at least some bad ones... Not much else is really going on too exciting, Matt and I might watch a movie tonight... don't know what or when or for sure, but it's a possibility...

I didn't get stopped by the cops when I went for Ice Tea last night... it's a ashame really, being one of the few sober fellows on campus... it would have been fun... How nice indeed...

So keep my counter ticking... we're managing to hold about 10 hits a day on average!! So please please keep coming back here... and leave some comments so I know what you think!

Hold fast to the great image and all under heaven will come
They will come but not be harmed, rest in safety and peace,
Music and fine food will make the passerby halt.

When the way is expressed verbally,
We say such tings as "how bland and tasteless it is!"
We look for it,, but there is not enough to be seen
We listen for it, but there is not enough to be heard.
Yet, when put to use, it is inexhaustible!


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