Friday, April 11, 2003

Well Spring Arts (Cherry Blossom festival) is here again... and for another year i'm affirmed of why I don't bother drinking... I mean I think when I'm 21, I may partake of some social drinking.. a little wine with dinner that sort of thing... but the swirl of beer and vodka guzzling masses roaming around like cattle... yeah they definentally turn me off to the whole "Party Scene". Here is the main problem... I hate stupid people.. and well, alchohol can make even the brightest person act like a retard... Now i'm sure many of you who read this enjoy alcohol.. and I apologize if i've offended any of you.. but Intoxication just doesn't strike me as a good time..... something about vommitting on myself... and staggering around, and looking generally like shit.. is not part of my self-betterment plan... It's just plain not natural...

Interestingly along those lines I saw the movie Jackass tonight... I thought it was hilarious, in that drunk people are funny kind of way... But what is scary about the movie is that as far as I can tell.. none of those guys were drunk... unfortunatally I don't think they were... it's very frightening...

yeah... I have to be up before 9... so like... I guess i'll head in.. I don't have much to say...
I'd just rather be with Erin, then stuck here this stupid idiotic weekend..

By the way... no one has noticed that my last name is spelled wrong on my headings...

What is popular is not always right, what is right is not always popular.


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