Sunday, April 13, 2003

This is a sunday blog, although I suppose your screen will show it as Monday... which I suppose it is at this point... but it's my sunday update... so there, who are you going to belive? The internet.. or me! (the correct answer is me).. It was really sort of a long bittersweet day for me... I slept and did nothing till our choir concert, which was good.. not great... but good... Then My family took me to Hoss's which was nice... but I dunno.. It didn't really do it.. Then me and Melius went to see Janice play in some church's easter cantada (sp?)... Janice played really well.. but the cantada was just more church stuff to me... It was really great anyway.. it's been quite awhile since me and meals go to spend any amount of time together... so it was hip... Then Dan and Janice brought up Yellow Submarine for us to watch..... I loved the movie alot... it was really my style, it also affirms me of the suspicion I had that George Harrison was really on to something... both on a musical and somewhat spiritual level... I dig it alot... so that all made me happy... except that my roommates Jason "God forbid I was ever wrong" Bachman, and Matt "Stick up my ass most of the time" Grim... I won't really get into details.. but my surplanted nicknames should give you enough information... The other sorta depressing thing was in the movie they Played When I'm Sixty Four... Now I know your saying why Is the song so depressing.. well quite simply it's not.. It is however Erin and mine's song.. So Being as I haven't gotten too see her.. or even talk to her for quite sometime.. the song made me miss her quite badly and I felt very much like crying.. but didn't because the room was full of people that I had no desire to cry in front of... It's very hard being so far away from someone you love... I've brought with me some quote from the movie that I particularly liked... this one I think applies quite nicely "sixty-four years is 33,661,440 minutes and one minute is a long time......." One minute is indeed a VERY long time.. in fact it probably hasn't even been a minute since you started reading this.. and when I'm away from Erin They tick by extra slow... go fig, time always flies when I'm with her.. So maybe now you understand the root of my current unhappiness... but anyway.. your not reading this to hear about me... or well I suppose you are.. but either way you've gotten enough.. The movie really is fantastic... and I hope Janice allows us to watch the other 3 sometime.. I also include Sgt. Pepper's lonely Hearts club band as a beatles movie... Janice doesn't.. but I belive there are reasonable arguments both ways... so that's either 4 or 5 beatles movies... All of which I wouldn't mind owning.. and also of which I'd really love to watch with Erin.. Who like so many of us really loves the beatles.. of course... the only people who don't like the beatles are the people who haven't listened to them... so if by some chance you haven't yet... I don't really know what your waiting for.. they're the best... and I think safe to say.. always will be... we should give them a time period divide.. like B.C. Only it should give the music timeline a nice split.. like P.B (Pre-Beatles) and A.B (I think you can figure this one out on your own) ... So i've gotten some complaints about writing too much.... so Although I could continue.. I'll end it here..

It's all in the mind.


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