Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Yeah, today is going pretty well, nothing really exciting, The multi-phonics are really coming along, so they sounded good for my presentation... Nothing else is really going on all that exciting... pretty dull? I mean is it just me having a quick dull week... not that i'm complaining... a dull week is fine by me.. all I really want is to see Erin, but i'm just going to have to sit tight and wait till saturday... But it feels like it's very far away at the moment..

After playing Delta City Blues for my presentation today I think I got everyone worked up, i've had quite a few people ask me about getting copies of it already... I think on a whole I need to expose the world to some more of the extraneous bits of music our world has developed... Then there is the music problems Opie has... Me and Bachman played a clip of the Beastie Boys, and a Clip of Eminem and asked him to name which one was Eminem.. Yeah.. It was kinda sarcastic.. but he got it WRONG! yeah that's right... kinda sad... I realized alot of people up here are mostly sheltered from anything but their own little world... But Eminem and the Beastie Boys are as alike as Wager and Britney Spears... Seriously... Bruce has never listened to music from either of them, and even he made a well educated guess... Like I said, maybe it's just me... I don't feel too well, something I ate a lunch maybe... I don't feel sick sick, just kinda queezy not right...

Ok, I guess that's all I have at the moment... Remember it's cool to leave me comment, and people will like you! So do it, my little counter is still zipping along, so I know you people are reading this at least every once and awhile... if not more than that... Either way, I'm glad to have you... I'm always open to subject matter, ask me questions, or give me suggestions...

And in this temple we all pray in unity for the same thing
with matic pause without cause
bass from those high definition speakers
sitting in the corner on each side of the room
givin' us the boom boom boom
to our zoom zoom zoom
the smell of a L lit while walking by
but the music gets me high
saint defy like and old lady in church
we get happy
we stomp our feet
we clap our hands
we shout
we cry
we dance
and we say
sweet lord, speak to me
speak to me, speak to me, speak to me
because we love house music
and on this planet it brings us together
like a family reunion every week
we eat
we drink
we laugh
we play
and we skate
so for all you hip hoppers
you do woppers
name droppers
you bill boppers
come into our house
to get deep
check it


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