Thursday, April 17, 2003

Mmmmmm K, here goes... Tonight went very very well... Dan and I got wings and watched Law and Order, then Janice came over with a Hard Days Night... It was a most excellent movie, the beatles are really something else... Although I must admit I liked Yellow Submarine better... Wow, I actually have some questions in my comments boxes, bravo... Let's see, I played Delta City Blues for my Music Theory IV class as an example of 20th century saxophone Techniques... As for House Music, of course I like House Music.... I think house music gets very spiritual... it's based around rhythm with is in the basic fabric of our beings... The pulse that accompanies any good house tune is synonymous with the beating of our hearts, and can lead to a very moving experience... thus as I've stated previously, I am going to study latin, and world percussion... in cultures like africa, the rhythm is more important than the melody, in western music it is opposite... I personally find the beat, and pulse, the groove if you will.. to be really KEY (Austin, i've never heard key used like that, is it a Temple thing?) I'd say it's hip... but then again, I live in another world all together...

Speaking of which, I think i've decided that tomorrow i'm going to talk as little as humanly possible... I'm just not going to say anything, unless I absolutally must... why you may ask? Is it for a deeper understanding of my soul, and the primal patterns of energy that are constantly ignored by the common layman on a daily basis? No, probably not, I just don't feel like talking... Sorry...

As for anyone correcting me on my spelling I won't have it... It's my blog, I will spell using whichever, and whatever form of any sort of words I deem useable in any such sort of pre-organicized version of their foretold usefulness that I C fit to provide. Any other problems can be taken up with upper management, which I happen to be...

I'm tired.. I'm going to bed.. More to come... but not right now.

May he guide us,
May he give us strength and right understanding.
May love and harmony be with us all.
Whom I talking about? Anyone know? I'll give you a clue---> OM


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