Saturday, April 19, 2003

Today was a good day, indeed... I just won eleven straight games of Free Cell, and that ain't bad... kinda pathetic but not bad... I haven't gotten confirmation on my order of Yellow Submarine... So I guess I won't get it before I have to leave mon, first class shipping, or no first class shipping.. Ohh well... I've been listening to beatles near solid since i've been home, it's really quite nice... Erin came home friday!! It was really nice she spent the night with me and then we spent all day together.. painting easter eggs, and shopping at the mall, It was really really nice... it's been too long... It really felt like summer again, when we can spend lots of time with each other... I noticed no one has left any comments... So i'm just going to attribute that to you all having a fun easter break/weekend thingy... But I hope someone is reading this...

I have alot to do... I'll write more in here later

Let it be


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