Thursday, May 01, 2003

Well, today sucked, I thought my piano proficency went really well... I though I had passed the prepaired piece and the frakenpole.. and i figured I failed the two sightreadings... well I guess I was wrong.. the ONLY thing I passed was the prepaired piece, and I thought I did really well on the Frakenpole.... Sigh... Dan Stief is a loser, a loser who just isn't winning.. My sax jury went ok i guess... nothing really special... and my audition for concert choir went rather well too.. I was kinda surprized, I don't really know if i'll make concert choir or not though.. I won't find out until begining of next year... Ohh well... I have what is probably my hardest final tomorrow.... So, that's going to suck... it's still a week till I get to see erin.... I'm still jobless... and i'm really starting to loose any hope that being alive is doing me any good..... blah...

More useless info about me, again stolen from Janice

[ .. ] first name: Daniel
[ .. ] middle name: Robert
[ .. ] nickname(s): The fish, Bitch
[ .. ] gender: Male
[ .. ] birthday: April 7
[ .. ] height: 6' 0"
[ .. ] hair color: Dark Brown
[ .. ] eye color: Blue/gray depends who you ask
[ .. ] do you wear glasses or contacts: Glasses
[ .. ] do you have braces: No
[ .. ] is your hair long or short: Short
[ .. ] where were you born: York Pennsyvania
[ .. ] current location: Annville, PA
[ .. ] zodiac sign: Aries
[ .. ] how many languages do you know: 1ish
[ .. ] bad habit: Not cleaning
[ .. ] piercings you have: none
[ .. ] piercings you want: Brain
[ .. ] tattoos you have: None
[ .. ] tattoos you want: Nothing imparticular
[ .. ] today's date: May 1st
[ .. ] the time: 1:30

: pets :
[ .. ] do you have a pet: Yes, meeka the dog, and bill the fish
[ .. ] do you like them: Meeka is mean, but bill is cool
[ .. ] what do you do with them: Meeka just sorta lays around and barks at things, and bill is a suck fish

[ .. ] are you still in school: unfortunatally
[ .. ] did you drop out: Might as well
[ .. ] least favorite subjects: All of them

[ .. ] most humiliating moment: I dunno.. I don't get embarrased real easy

: favorites :
[ .. ] numbers: 4 and 6
[ .. ] shoes: Flip flops
[ .. ] saying: Said... whatever is being talked about... like... Said blog
[ .. ] tv show: Cowboy Bebop
[ .. ] vegetable: Potatoes
[ .. ] fruit: Peaches
[ .. ] candy: Chocolate, orange filled chocolate
[ .. ] gum: Orbit
[ .. ] candy bar: Orange filled swiss chocolate
[ .. ] ice cream flavor: Mint chocolate chip
[ .. ] color: Black
[ .. ] season: Autum
[ .. ] holiday: All hollows Eve
[ .. ] type of music: Anything
[ .. ] thing in your room: My plants
[ .. ] place to be: with Erin
[ .. ] tv channel: Cartoon Network
[ .. ] overall food: A-won buffet
[ .. ] store: Old Navy
[ .. ] fast food: blech
[ .. ] restaurant: A-won buffet
[ .. ] shape: Hexagon
[ .. ] time of day: Night
[ .. ] mall: Park city maybe... I dunno, I'm more of an outlet shopper
[ .. ] board game: Monopoly
[ .. ] car: Aston Martin DB5
[ .. ] word: Hip
[ .. ] month: October
[ .. ] team: I don't really like teams
[ .. ] possession: My horn
: what's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear :
[ .. ] eminem: A White, Black rapper
[ .. ] dog: Cat
[ .. ] sexy: My Erin
[ .. ] britney spears: Traded brains and talent for makeup
[ .. ] nsync*: Sucks
[ .. ] real world: Really Dumb
[ .. ] orange: Creamcycle
[ .. ] choice: To make.
[ .. ] Shit: Balls
[ .. ] bisexual: tuesday's waterloo
[ .. ] black: friday
[ .. ] insane clown posse: Insane clown pussy
[ .. ] linkin park: High Voltage
[ .. ] jack: Mehoff
[ .. ] rainbow: and happy trees
[ .. ] cherry: Erin!
[ .. ] cucumber: Sandwich
[ .. ] shark: Sneaky Shark
[ .. ] lifehouse: To save the boats
[ .. ] bat: Arang
[ .. ] leather: Whips
[ .. ] whips: Erin :)
[ .. ] america: Hypocrits
[ .. ] water: whirl
[ .. ] volcano: Presidents of the United States of America

private life :
[ .. ] do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: Yes
[ .. ] do you have a crush: Crush? Not really
[ .. ] do you love anyone right now: Of COURSE!
[ .. ] have you ever been in love: Yes
[ .. ] do you love more than one person: Depends what kind of love, I mean I guess I love my family and stuff, but it's different then how I love my Erin
[ .. ] how many hearts of have you broken: None
[ .. ] how many people broke your heart: None
[ .. ] so what is your bf/gf/crush like: The hottest girl ever, she is so smart.. a workaholic, and the love of my life... she's all my FINANCEE
[ .. ] do you have a picture of him/her: Yes
[ .. ] do you have a picture of yourself: Yes
[ .. ] do you go by looks or personality: Both

: would you ever :
[ .. ] bungee jump: No
[ .. ] sky dive: No
[ .. ] swim with dolphins: Not sure
[ .. ] scuba dive: Not sure yet
[ .. ] go rock climbing: No
[ .. ] eat shit for $1,000,000: Can I barbeque it?
[ .. ] turn your back on your friends for personal gain: I hope not
[ .. ] who's hot: Erin Herman
[ .. ] steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend: No.
[ .. ] cross-dress: Yes
[ .. ] lie to the police: Yes
[ .. ] run from the police: No
[ .. ] lie to your parents: Yes.
[ .. ] walk up to a stranger and kiss them: Probably not
[ .. ] walk out of a restaurant without paying: No

: have you ever :
[ .. ] flashed someone: No
[ .. ] told the person you liked how you felt: Yes
[ .. ] been to Michigan: Yes, we have friends who live there!
[ .. ] gotten really REALLY wasted: Never, not even a little wasted
[ .. ] gone to jail or juvi: No
[ .. ] skateboarded: No
[ .. ] skinny dipped: No
[ .. ] stolen anything: Yes
[ .. ] kicked someone's ass: Not really
[ .. ] pegged someone in the head with a snowball: Yes
[ .. ] broke a beer bottle: Yes
[ .. ] flipped someone off: Yes.
[ .. ] gone on a road trip: Yes
[ .. ] gone on vacation without adult supervision: Yes.
[ .. ] been to a concert: Yes
[ .. ] been to another country: Yes
[ .. ] talked back to an adult: Yes
[ .. ] got pulled over: No
[ .. ] got in a car accident: Yes.
[ .. ] broke a law: Yes.
[ .. ] given money to a homeless person: No
[ .. ] tried to kill yourself: No
[ .. ] cried to get out of trouble: Nope
[ .. ] kissed a friend's brother or sister: No
[ .. ] kissed a brother or sister's friend: No
[ .. ] dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyways: Yes

. : opinions : .
[ .. ] what do you think...about pop music: Catchy but no deep inner value
[ .. ] about boy bands: Eh
[ .. ] about flag burning: Light em up
[ .. ] of the war on terrorists: Is like the war on Drugs... a stupid pointless use of the word war
[ .. ] about suicide: Our fan tried to commit suicide, it jumped off the airconditioner... it was sad
[ .. ] about people who try to force their opinions on you: The church for example
[ .. ] about abortion: Appropriate sometimes, but not as a form of birth control.
[ .. ] about rock/metal music: In it's proper place
[ .. ] where do you think you'll be in 10 years: Hopefully being a house dad
[ .. ] who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: Meals and Janice I hope, Holly K, Erin naturally, maybe bachman, matt wensel, AND OF COURSE LINDSAY FROM CHURCH!

: what did you do :
[ .. ] last birthday: Sat around
[ .. ] last weekend: Went home
[ .. ] christmas: Stayed home
[ .. ] thanksgiving: Stayed home
[ .. ] new year's eve: Bowling with the Hermans!
[ .. ] halloween: Sophmore recitals!
[ .. ] easter: Went to church
[ .. ] valentine's day: Made dinner for my sweetie

: the last :
[ .. ] thing you ate: Chicken Cordon Blu Burger
[ .. ] thing you drank: Mint Tea
[ .. ] thing you wore: Black button up shirt, swishie pants
[ .. ] place you went: Dr. Mecham's office
[ .. ] thing you got pierced/tattooed: No
[ .. ] person you saw: Jason Bachman
[ .. ] person you talked to: Jason Bachman
[ .. ] song you heard: Skillet, Vapor, Jason has it playing
[ .. ] what are you eating: Nothing at the moment
[ .. ] what are you drinking: Good idea i'm going for my Mint tea
[ .. ] what are you wearing: we've been over this already
[ .. ] any shoes on: Nope
[ .. ] hair: Doing whatever it wants to do
[ .. ] listening to: Jaco Pastoralius
[ .. ] talking to anyone: Jason sorta

: yes or no :
[ .. ] are you a vegetarian: Nope
[ .. ] do you like cows: Yes
[ .. ] are you a bitch: That's My pet name!
[ .. ] are you artistic: I try to be
[ .. ] do you write poetry: Not really
[ .. ] can you ski: Never
[ .. ] are you british: Wish I was
[ .. ] did you ever give barbie a haircut: No
[ .. ] would you eat mac & cheese with hot dogs in it: I guess
[ .. ] are you straight: Yes
[ .. ] are you short: Not if your talking about height
[ .. ] are you tall: Yes
[ .. ] are you a typical teenager: No
[ .. ] do you shop at hot topic: Not often

.: random questions :
[ .. ] if you could be any animal, what would you be: A monkey in a zoo, well fed, able to relax all day, and throw my poo
[ .. ] if you had to eat and drink one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be: General Tso's Chicken and mint tea
[ .. ] do you remember any of your dreams: A few
[ .. ] do you dream in color or black and white: Color
[ .. ] do you admit when you need help with a problem: Too stubborn
[ .. ] can people read you like a book: I don't think so
[ .. ] what's your biggest fear: Mankind
[ .. ] do you talk a lot: Yes, although I try not too
[ .. ] are you afraid of clowns: No
[ .. ] do you like spiders: When they eat other bugs
[ .. ] how about grape kool-aid: it's aight
[ .. ] do you drive: Yes
[ .. ] are you spoiled: Yes
[ .. ] are you anti-social: Yes
[ .. ] any last words: I'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in
[ .. ] now that this is over, what are you going to do: Put some substance in this blog
[ .. ] what is the time now: 2:30

Smile when your in a traffic jam


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