Friday, April 25, 2003

Classes went ok, nothing exciting, I managed an A on my History and Lit quiz.... So I was happy about that anyway... We got some new fish tonight... and I got a minature replacement for our dearly departed Suck the fish, So now Bill the fish is swimming happily in the same waters suck once called home. But Bill is happy and that makes me happy... what doesn't make me happy is that My copy of Yellow Submarine isn't here yet... I hope it comes tomorrow... So I can have it before I head up... I really need to find out when all I have finals... I don't think i'm going to be able to come home next weekend... Blech... I hate staying up at school... Unless erin comes over, but she can't... So that's that huh.. My life has been rather boring lately... I mean really really dull... I mean seriously, I'm surprized anyone reads this at all... I'm a dull person... Ohh I know.. you must read it for my insightful (and ohh so often Taoist) quotes right? yeah right, no one has EVER commented on my quotes... it's all good advice! I really wouldn't post crap... I'm going to be bored stupid tomorrow... but I should practice piano, and maybe I'll draw some, and I dunno what else... I finally printed out my copy of the Bahadva Gita... A buddist text... Looking forward to reading it., Might even skim it for my wisdom tonight... So all is well, Bill the fish prepairs for bed, and So shall I, but I think i'm going to light some incense, put on Ravi Shankar, and read the bahadva Gita... It's going to be an indian night... Ohh and we played Rook tonight.... I lost REALLY REALLY bad, so pathetic of me... Ohh well, you win some, you loose some, and ties are neat too...

A person whose all works are free from selfish desires and motives is called a sage by the wise.x


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