Friday, April 25, 2003

Well, i'm glad my flip flops and Jeans are well received! Granted I don't own the multitudes of flip-flops that my darlin' owns.. but the pair I have I enjoy wearing very much... In fact, if I wasn't barefoot, I'd be wearing them now... and yes, Old Navy is great... no one would dare deny that.. no one...

Jason and I got a whole slew of music out of the library today including... Ladysmith Black Mumbaza, Ravi Shankar, and Phillip Glass... Yeah we're wierd... I've been so into the indian music though... I really am enjoying Ravi Shankars Cd... If I can save up the money this summer (hopefully working full time) I'd like to purchase myself a set of Tablas, So hopefully Novak can teach me how to use them when I have percussion lessons next year!! I mean, this indian classical music is the whole inspiration for the percussion lessons to begin with... I figured I'd have more success and in the end probably get more enjoyment out of Tabla than sitar, and frankly, I doubt I'll ever be able to afford a Sitar... Or be able to play it!! But it's all good.... I don't think Tabla are out of my grasp... Now learning all the Indian Tala (Rhythmic cycles) that might be another challenge all their own... Speaking of financal futures... Meals is thinking of purchasing all the equiptment he'd need to start a pretty much fully functional studio.. this if it comes to fruition... would be extreamly cool... Because he would then be able to record me, and maybe help me put together all this musical mumbo-craziness I have floating around in my skull... Now if I could just find a good Dijuridoo player? hehe, don't ask.. the things in my mind are better off left alone... Let sleeping dogs lie you know.... and all that... But yeah, Ravi Shankar, and George Harrison.... Very Very much my heros right now... Ohh yeah Like I could go this whole entry without referencing the beatles... yeah go George Harrison... You just smoke your crack and play that chalk keyboard... I'll listen all day...

The sage can achieve greatness, Because he does not act great.


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