Monday, April 21, 2003

Ok, Sorry it's been so long since I last updated... it's not like me too skip a day... but in honor of Easter I took the day off... It was a really really good day too! I got to spent the vast majority of it with Erin... Whom, in her new green shirt was even more irresistablly adorable than usual!!! We had some Easter Dinners, I got a total of three Easter baskets as well... So much for me loosing weight... It's a shame chocolate isn't 0 calories... So this weekend went really super great because I got to see Erin...
Today bored with nothing else to do me and my sister went to the Park City Mall.. Not really for anything specific.. but just so we wouldn't have to be in the house any longer than nessisary... unfortunatally it's only three-fifteen and we're back already... this day is just crawing on by... if Erin were here it would have been over by now! how comes time always has to fly when your with your loved ones!! Why can't it work the other way around! I mean seriously... So over this weekend I got a new X-box controller, and the game Kung-Fu Chaos... both used of course.. since i'm too cheap to buy stuff new... (and too broke) but hopefully this will allow for some good entertainment during finals week... (between tests and studying of course Wink, Wink, Nudge, Nudge, know what I mean?) Well thank you Lindsay for commenting... no one else did really... but Since my counter is flying I have no choice but to think you must be reading this... We're almost to three hundred!!! and to think i just celebrated 200! I'm so proud, you love me, you really love me! Well hopefully you'll comment more once school is up and running again... and then hopefully i'll update more too! HAHA, ok, I think you've gotten enough till your next fix...

Gay is not a choice...


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