Monday, April 28, 2003

Ok, when I wrote that sunday blog the weekend had been dull... I must admit the rest of sunday was alot better....

Before the orchestra concert at 3 (which was quite rockin) I got invited along with about 6 or 7 other people to Ruby's (one of my future roomates) house for a homemade dinner by his mom... We ate ALOT and it was all fabulous... but even still we didn't manage to eat everything... it was incredible.. there was just so much good food... The conversation was well off the deep end too... The cast of characters included Drew Schlagel (sorry buddy, I know I probably spelled your name wrong), Dan and Janice, Matt Leady, Jason Bachman, myself, ruby (of course) The conversation went into realms of pygmies(or baby's if you will) Scuba Cats with shaved faces, and the ever popular Butt Tounge... Ohh yeah it got weird... I'm just really thankful Ruby dared to take the lot of us to his house, and allow his parents too see what his friends are like!! His mom took us in good spirits though... which was very gratious of her... then we died in his nifty little basement and watched the end of King of the Hill as we did all we could to try and digest... I might also add that Janice was reading MAXIM magazine! You can draw your own conclusions there... So these are some of my last few moments of piece before I have to go on a study/practice rampage through finals, playing exams, and juries... Over all the whole situation is going to suck ALOT... but schools soon done and i'll finally be able to see Erin and spend some time with her... It feels like it's been years and that really sucks...

Also if all this wasn't fun enough.... allergies have my nose completly shut, so I can't sleep... I sound like crap while i'm playing, I feel miserable... it's really irritating... I have alot of stuff that needs to get done.. I think I will have to make a list... So I can be sure it all gets done... All sorts of Blogs are in action so if your extra bored here are a few good ones to check out!!! <--- Jannie <--- Melius <-- Linsey.. although i'm not sure why when I copy her URL it has my screenname in it... I don't know what that's all about... but check em out anyway.... It'll be cool... you'll enjoy it...
K i'm stuffed, nasally, and stomachly..... i'm gittin out of 'ere

Michael Jackson.. Look what you've done!


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