Saturday, May 03, 2003

Sorry I've been blogging so sparatically! I've just been so busy with finals and things that I don't know what to do! Umm my Modern Latin America final went ok I guess... it's hard to tell with her, I thought I did a good job... I also found out that buying Tablas isn't going to be practical.. Mr. Novak doesn't know how to play them.. he said they're really specialized and that finding someone to teach me them would be near to impossible.... So maybe i'll just save up some dough and wait until next year then when I see what stuff I like best maybe I can buy myself some cool latin percussion stuff... I dunno, we'll have to see.. It's getting nearer to friday! I can't wait! I'll get to see Erin! I'm SO SO SO excited! I can't wait!

Lindsay you ARE on that list! Look again closer!

Umm, not much else going on.. I drove the Van up here to school to load stuff... I really like it.. The van and me are friends... Maybe mom and dad would give it to me? I dunno..

Well i'll update again later.. I have a final in an hour... just thought i'd say hi!

Baby you can drive my Car


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