Tuesday, September 09, 2003

wow, ok i'm sorry i'm really really sorry, my last post was before leaving for maine and that was an impossibly long time ago.. and for that apologize, i'm not even going to do my catch up run.. it's just too much stuff I can hardly remember it all, but i'm I definentally want to get back into the swing of updating my poor little blog....

So anyway, school has started again... we can assume that my life was fairly dull between my last post and now, minus the time I got to spend with erin that is. Right now i'm very much in a jazz mood, hopefully I can stay that way, I've been listening to anything I can get my grubby little ears on... especially cool jazz, and laid back stuff... miles, trane, you know the drill, and if you don't you probably dont' care anyway right? right? good... but it puts me in an amazing mood, I think my play has really improved many fold... i dunno if it's a mental or physical thing, i'm just not quite sure.... school is kinda borderline, it's not horrible, but I don't really get a whole lot of pleasure out of it... except for jazz band of course, It's so nice to have people to play with again... as opposed to the summer, I think both the jazz bands are going to be really good this year, it's just a feeling, I think alot of the right components are in place for some really kickin music... Currently listening to the Charlie Brown Christmas album very nice I might add... I need a shower yet tonight and I have to get up early, it's a bad combination but it can't be helped I just can't seem to go to bed yet, I'm not focused right or something... maybe the "juice" I just drank may help but it's hard to say... either way, I realize it might take awhile till anyone starts reading this blog again... so i'm not going to ramble too much right off the bat... but I will be trying to update more reguarly, maybe get my blog some exlax... so anyway, ciao!

School prepairs you for the real world, which also sucks.


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