Friday, June 06, 2003

I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry, it's been a long time, but life isn't all that interesting around here... Me and Erin have been hitting the gym alot, and are seeing some good results... her especially... she's so hot, which is nice for me :), and I finally got a job... although not the most desireable... I got my position at Regal Cinemas back.. yes yes I know, I swore i'd never work there again... but the economy is tight... and I need some employment... so there you go... I'm working at the movie teater again... at least the free movies will allow me and Erin to go see more show's! that's nice isn't it? Yes I think so... Other good news... I finally found the adaptor I needed to get my atari working... and frankly... it rocks... since Jon Burkhart gave me all his old atari stuff I have just this plethora of games... it's really quite rockin... The only thing is that my rotary wheel controllers are a little worn out and difficult to use... but god only knows where i'd find new ones... Either way i'm very happy that's working... Family is going on vacation this weekend... I decided to stay home... they think it means I don't get a vacation, but having the house to myself is a very nice vacation in my eyes... Granted I love my family, they just horribly frustrate me sometimes... i'm sure you all know how that is.. Other highlights worth mentioning, we went to the Greek fest and ate more than we should have, because it was all delicious, and the vending machines in the mall have miniture barrels of monkeys, for just a quarter you can get a little barrel with 5 mini monkeys! I currently have two barrels full!

And now a story for Dan Melius,
In the town of Annville, sometime not to long ago, there lived a man with big hairy tit's that everyone called Dan Melius, which meant, funny man with big tit's.
Although all the people at LVC talked about him in whispers, they all went to see him when they had troubles. Even jason bachman and the church people of the chpel whent, because Dan Melius DID have a magic touch. He could play playstation 2, He could rock out with his cock out, and could even carry Janice to down the stairs and to dinner without breaking a sweat. But Dan Melius was a lazy bitch and needed someone to help him keep his little dorm room, so he put up a sign in the student center.
And Big Dan Stief, who didn't pay attention, wnet to see him.
"Stief, " said Dan Melius, "you must sweep the dorm, and wash the dishes, you must set up the video games, and run to blair for me. You much feed the rubenik and let him out to run. For this, Iwill give you 2 dollars, and some turkey hill iced tea.
'Oh, Grazia!, Said Big Dan Stief
The one thing you must NEVER do, said Dan Melius, is put the cup noodles in the microwave. They are very valuable and I do not let anyone touch them.
Oh, si, yes, Said big Dan Stief
And so the days went by, ,Big Dan Stief did his work and Dan Melius met with the people who came to see him for videogames, and piggy back rides, and such.
Big Dan had a nice bed and he happily sipped his turkey hill iced tea.
One evening when Big Dan Stief was fixing the wiring of the surround sound setup, he heard Dan Melius singing, peeking into the kitchen he saw Dan melius putting cup noodles in the microwave.
He sang,
Bubble, Bubble, noodle cup
Boil me some noodles nice and hot
I'm hungrty and it's time to sup
Boil enough noodles to fill my gut
and the cup o' noodles bubbled and boiled and became steamy hot and delicous.

Then Dan Melius Sang
Enough, enough, noodle cup,
I have my noodles, nice and hot
So simmer down my microwave.
Until I'm hungry another day.
How wonderful, ,said big Dan Stief. That's a magic noodle cup!

and Dan melius called Big Dan stief in for supper.
But too bad for Big Dan Stief, becuase he didn't see Dan Melius shake his tits at the magic noodles cup three times.

And this is what happened,
The next day when Big Dan Stief, went to the student center to get some food. he told everyone about the magic cup o noodles. and naturally everyone laughed at him, because it sounded so silly, a cup of noodles that cooked in the microwave! You'd better go confess to the chaplin they said, Such a lie!
I'll show them, Big dan said to himself. Someday I will get the cup o' noodles and make it cook!
then THEY'LL be sorry.
That Day sooner than even Big Dan would have thought, because two days later Dan Melius said to Big Dan. Big Dan, I must go over to the studio to track a big project, I will be gone all night, possibly for many days. Do your chores and don't touch the cup o noodles!
Ohhh yes, yes Dan Melius, said Big Dan. But inside he wast hinking, My chance has come!
As soon as Dan Melius was out of sight, Big Dan wnet inside, pulled the cup o noodles off the shelf and put it in the microwave. Now let's see if I can remember the words, said big Dan and Big Dan half a step flat sang,
Bubble, Bubble, noodle cup
Boil me some noodles nice and hot
I'm hungrty and it's time to sup
Boil enough noodles to fill my gut
and sure enough the cup bubbles and boiled and began to fill up with noodles.
Aha! Siad Big Dan and he ran to the peace garden, jumped on hot dog frank and shouted, Everyone get forks and pates and platters and bowls. Noodles for all at Derikson 201!
Big Dan Stief has made the magic cup o noodles work!
Of course everyone laughed, but ran to their dorms to get chopsticks and forks and plates and platter and bowqls, and sure enough, when they go to Derikson A, Dan melius' Cup was so full of noodles it was begginging to over flow. Big Dan was a hero! He scooped out cup o noodles and filled the plates and platter and bowls. There was more than enough for all the LVC students, incuding bachman and the church people from the chapel. and some people came back for two and three helpings, but the pot was neer empty. When all had had their fill, Big Dan Sang.
Enough, enough, noodle cup,
I have my noodles, nice and hot
So simmer down my microwave.
Until I'm hungry another day
But alas! he did not shake his tits three times.
he went outside and to the app[lause of teh crowd Big Dan took a bow.
He was so busy listening tot he compliments from everyone that he didn't notice the noodle cup was still bubbling, and boiling, until jason bachman from the chapel said, Oh, Big Dan look! and noodles were pouiring out of the cup and all over the floor of Dan Melius' Dorm and were coming out the door! Big Dan rushed in and shouted the magic words again, but the cup kept bubbling. He took the cup out of the microwave but noodles kept on pouring from it. Big Dan grabbed some tupperware and covered the cup and sat on it, but the noodles popped the lib and shot Big Dan into the high ceilings of Derikson A, and the noodles continued to spill on the floor! STOP yelled Big Dan but the noodles did not stop and if someon ehadn't grabbed porr Big Dan, the noodles would have covered him up. The noodles had all but filled the dorm! Out of the windows and throught the doors came tyhe noodles and the pot kept right on bubbling. The LVC students began tot worry. Do something Big Dan, they shouted! Bitg Dan sang the magic song again, ,but without the three tit shakes it did no good! By this time the noodles were on their way to the Turkey Hill and the LVC students ran ahead of it! We must protect Turkey Hill from the noodles! Shouted Janice powell! Get cars, and doors, and octopusses, anything to make a barricade! But even that didn't work. The cup kept bubbling and the noodles kept coming. We are lost said the LVC students and Jason Bachman and the church people began to pray. The noodles will cover all of Annville! they cried. And they certainly would have, had Dan Melius not come down the road, back from the studio. He didn't have to look twice to know what had happened. He sang the magic song and shook his tits three times and with a sputter the noodles came to a halt. oh, grazia, thank you, thank you Dan Melius, the people cried! But then they turned on poor Big Dan, String him up, the men of the town shouted! Now wait said Dan Melius, The punishment mnust fit the crime, and he took a fork from a lady stading nerby and held it out to Big Dan. All right, Ban Stief, you wanted noodles from my magic cup. And I want to sleep in my bed tonight. So start eating.
and he did, poor Big Dan Stief


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