Thursday, May 15, 2003

Wow, I'm really sorry it's been so long since i've taken the time to write anything, i don't know what would make me belive me life would become LESS hectic when summer started... how silly of me right?

Well it's been an interesting week, Erin and I went to Maryland to go see Gil Saham play violin, compliments of Janice's Dad, the concert was amazing, we were sitting front row at the kennedy center so it was pretty neat... and Gil was absolutally amazing... just incredible... other that than that, i've just been hanging out with Erin and trying to get stuff done... My room is really a total wreck because I finished uppacking the van of all my stuff from college... So it's crazy in here, I can't honestly say i'm not totally depressed and one-hundred percent at my stesses limit right now... And I can't honestly say there is any other reason than me and Erin are having difficulties... Not fighting per-se, it's just a difficult situation... She thinks i've drastically changed, and I can't see it... And it upsets her, and i'm afraid I don't make her happy anymore, but there doesn't seem to be anything I can do about any of it... I'm just so afraid that I can't make her happy anymore and I don't know what to do... She got upset on the phone with me and just left... I don't want her to be tired of me, or unhappy being with me, but I don't know what to do anymore, i'm completly out of ideas... I try everything I can to make her feel loved, but How can I possibly know if i've done all I can do... I'm going to keep trying till either she dumps me, or I die... I'm just at such a loss right now, and with the added stress of waiting for school grades, and not having a job, and the mess in this room, dan is about to have as much as he can take... The only person I could really talk to about this is Erin... so I didn't know where else to go but to my blog... She's my everything, but I don't know if i'm all she needs... I'm sorry this really isn't long enough to let you know what's been going on since the 12th but it will have to do for now... I just don't have it in me to type anymore, I think i'll just go cry in bed...



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