Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Ahh Another two hours of practice under my belt! I know you didn't think it was possible! But it's happening, maybe i'm finally getting my stuff together... it's so cool, man I really love playing again... I wish I know what recharged my music batteries because I want a lifetime supply of it yah know? it really rocks it..
Other good news is Erin is feeling better! Yippie :) and even better, i'm going to get to see her this weekend!!! i'm so excited, so I don't really have a whole lot to type, classes went quick today, which is just as well because i'm always glad when they're over... other than that I just listen to jazz and practice, not a bad life If I do say so myself... i'm just so fired up, i'm eating up every little bit of music I can get my greedy little fingers on...
The only sour note is I can't find anyone to go to turkey hill with me tonight... i'm not sure I want to go by myself it defeats half the purpose, but maybe i'll go anyway.. we'll see maybe I can find someone yet, you never know miracles do happen... like me practicing... crazy

Dig yourself baby


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