Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Well Easter break was super peachy I must say...

- Me and Dad got the greenhouse 98% built, minus water and ventilation
- I got over 200 seeds planted as well as re-potting a bunch of poor crowded house plants
- I got to spend ALOT of time with Erin, which made me a very happy camper
- I STILL haven't really gotten to sleep in at all though... which is something I wish would be remedied soon... however I don't forsee it happening in the future.

Other than that things are going fairly well... I used one of my birthday gifts (a Wal-mart gift certificate) to get Kill Bill v1 on DVD... and boy am I ever glad I did... that movie is just so me... so very much my tastes... Uma Thurman in a Quinten Terantino Film about hacking people up with swords... ohh my was it ever good... I really enjoyed it... I also got to see Spirited Away a movie by the minds behind Princess Mononoke, another really really great movie... I may have to buy it some time in the future for sure... other than that, I'm just worrying about pulling jazz band stuff together for this weekend... concert friday night... and playing sunday at 12 for Cherry Blossom Festival "AKA Spring Arts". So we'll see... hope everyone is having a good week.


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