Friday, March 05, 2004

So, sorry I haven't done a proper post in quite awhile... I had a great weekend last weekend with Erin... we talked alot and it was nice. We definentally touched some new ground and talked about things we don't much... but it's good too... she has such a pure spirit.... and I truely love her for that. Words will never be adequate to tell how much I care and love her.

This week has been truely strange... very strange in fact.. .but with spring break starting after my last class tomorrow... i think things are going to be rather peachy... or at least continue to be different... haha...

The highlight of my week so far belive or not was a meeting with Dr. Norris about my research paper... after quickly browseing my rough draft she made a few comments that really meant quite alot to me. First off she really liked how my paper was going and my ideas... she then proceded to ask me if I was thinking about grad school, because she thought i'd make a really good ethonomusicologist. {Someone who studies music's of different cultures} To be honest, I think this would be a blast... she also mentioned that for grad school i'd have to get my grades up and work on my writing style a bit... but that's nothing I didn't already know... It's really the first time a professor commented on and really liked my ideas and work about anything excepting my jazz stuff.... and it was nice... I really do like ethonomusicology.. and to know that at least one proffessor thinks highly of my work is a real nice change of pace for me. If only I had the time, money, and brains for grad school... i'd almost consider just getting my jazz degree and forgetting the student teaching and just go for my master's... but... I dunno.. it just seems impossible... especially at this point in my life... Maybe one day... one day... But for now, just one day at a time will have to do... I can't handle much else.


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