Tuesday, March 02, 2004

-first grade teacher's name: Mrs. Buckel
-last word you said: way
-last song you sang: Anthony O' Daily
-last thing you laughed at: Umm, lets say it involves Erik Saner and a Long Hair, and a kid's ass
-last time you cried: friday night

-what's in your cd player: I don't really have one at the moment
-what color socks are you wearing: White, gray toe tips
-what's under your bed: Dreams others dare not dream
-what time did you wake up today: 8:00

-what is your career going to be: I dunno, at this rate whatever people tell me to do
-where are you going to live: New Orleans! As soon as I convince Erin :)
-how many kids do you want: twins, our own, two adoptee's
-what kind of car will you drive: Pre-Lotto - Anything, Post-Lotto - Aston martin DB5

-current hair: Bedhead
-current clothes: Jeans, Gap powder blue T-shirt
-current jewelry: Two watches
-current annoyance: Time
-current smell: My own aromatic gas
-current longing: To have a steady jazz gig
-current desktop picture: John Coltrane
-current favorite music artist: John Coltrane/Miles Davis
-current book: The making of "A Love Supreme"
-current worry: Dissatisfaction
-current hate: Ratfinks, Suicide Tanks, and Cannibal Girls
-story behind your username: At a nice restaurant in main I put lobster claws on my fingers... and REDCLAWTHEPIRATE was born
-current favorite article of clothing: My AE Boxers
-favorite physical feature on a boy: Beer Gut
-one person you wish was here right now: Coltrane - I could use a few lessons
-line from the last thing you wrote to someone: You'll regret it
-i am happiest when: The jazz is just right.
-i feel lonely when: I'm alone
-favorite authors: Douglas Adams
-do you think too much: If not I certainly ask too many questions
-if you could live anywhere in the world, where: New Orleans
-famous person you have met: I've never met him, but Alex Trebeck said my name
-do you have any regrets: naturally
-sex or love: Love
-favorite coffee: Black, super black, black as it comes
-favorite smell: Spring rain
-what makes you mad: Empty promises
-favorite way to waste time: Listening to music while staring at my monitor
-what is your best quality: I'm fairly easy going
-are in currently in love/lust: Love
-what's the craziest thing you have ever done: Shot the President 4 times in the head. while eating a sandwhich
-any bad habits: yes.
-do you find it hard to trust people: Depends on the people
-last thing you bought yourself: Cashews
-bath or shower: Shower
-favorite season: Fall
-favorite color: Black
-favorite time of day: Night
-gold or silver: Silver
-any secret crushes: Muah Muah Muah, No I most just love myself... Secretly

-how many coats and jackets do you own: 4-5ish
-do you wear a watch: Two or three usually
-favorite pants color: Kaikis
-most expensive item of clothing: ehh, My watch probably
-most treasured: Right now, these moccasans, I love em

-do your friends know you: some of me
-what do they tend to be like: Musicians of one sort or another
-can you count on them: depends who
-can they count on you: depends who

-last book you read: Making of "A Love Supreme"
-last movie you saw: American Beauty
-last movie you saw on the big screen: Last Samurai
-last show you watched on tv: Witch Hunter Robin
-last song you heard: Pharoh's Dance
-last thing you had to drink: Water
-last thing you ate: A can of Mixed Fruit
-last time you showered: Yesterday
-last time you smiled: small jazz
-last time you laughed: lunch
-last person you hugged: Erin
-last person you kissed: Erin
-last person you talked to online: Schrack
-last person you talked to on the phone: Erin

-smoke: No
-do drugs: No
-drink: Yes
-sleep with stuffed animals: No
-have a dream that keeps coming back: not since a long time ago
-play an instrument: Yes
-believe there is life on other planets: Statistically Yes
-read the newspaper: Occassionally
-have any gay or lesbian friends: Yes
-believe in miracles: statistical imporbabilities yes
-consider yourself tolerant: Yes
-consider police a friend or foe: Neutral
-like the taste of alcohol: Indeed
-have a favorite stooge: No
-believe in astrology: Intriging at times
-believe in magic: Yes
-pray: Meditate
-go to church: Only when forced
-have any secrets: of course
-have any pets: Ellie my brainless but adorable puppy
-go or plan to attend college: I?m in college.
-talk to strangers: People are strange
-have any piercings: Nope
-have any tattoos: No
-hate yourself: When i'm dumb
-wish on stars: No
-like your handwriting: Not really
-believe in witches: Yes
-believe in ghosts: Yes
-believe in santa: No
-believe in the easter bunny: No
-believe in the tooth fairy: No
-have a second family: The Hermans!


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