Wednesday, March 17, 2004

So i didn't make the fast... In some ways i'm deeply dissapointed in myself.. in other ways I guess i'm happy... there is still so much to do... I really want to clean my room... which makes me wonder why i'm currently sitting on my tukas... ohh well,
I'm really frustrated with school... I still wish I wasn't Music Ed... Maybe staying ed to appease my parents and proffessors was a good idea.. maybe it wasn't... either way i'm sort of miserable... I've tossed the notion around of dropping ed, but doing grad school... but it's just a notion... probably not plausible or practical. but still an Idea.

There is a good chance that i'll either get, or Dad will build me a greenhouse for my birthday... this excites the ever loving crap outta me... A place to grow more plants than I have now... and maybe even get a couple bonzai trees going... it'd all be very very cool. I've already ordered seeds for a few trees, and a Venus Fly Trap... I know, maybe jumping the gun a little.. but I can grow them even if I don't get a greenhouse.. still.. I really want one..

school sorta has me depressed, the break was great.. but too short, much to short... I want to be away from here again... I don't like my classes, except for jazz band, and American music history... which is easy... but I really like the subject matter... but all this choral lit garbage, blech, Dr. Lemons is so full of crap half the time I just can't stand it... It's not that I don't enjoy teaching... anytime I work with kids, I enjoy it... and in my own opion i'd say i'm rather successful overall... But being here at school, the things "They" Say is important for me to learn... It feel like all so much crap... there are people who can jump through all their hoops and pass all their hoopla... but I can't even imagine them in a teaching situation... I just can't picture it. I won't name names of course..

Oddly enough one of the things bringing me joy is Chamber Choir... it's definentally improved my singing... and when everyone pulls together a little bit, it's really quite a fun time. And it even sounds good sometimes...

So here's the quick review if I typed too much for you to read through

school - Keeping major - Downgrade
break - Upgrade
break - finished - downgrade
greenhouse - upgrade!
venus fly trap - upgrade!
bonzai - Long term upgrade!
music ed - downgrade
chamber choir - upgrade

3 year anniversary sat - BEST UPGRADE EVER!


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