Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Well look at me being the ambitios one. Two Child Developement papers AND a lesson plan... and I STILL have a few minutes to blog. Aren't you proud of me! Well with those two hurdles done, i'm ALOT closer to being on my way to thanksgiving break... which is the calm before the storm. But that's ok. i'll get into that next week. For now, it's almost thanksgiving. and my thanks are already planned. No school, and Fiancee. AMEN

We had small jazz tonight too, and thanks to a vote(only from my band pretty much) The small jazz groups are not going to get broken up. and Leadership isn't going to change. Mr. Miller really likes the way I run things, he even made a big to-do about my announcing and my outfit, which was a huge compliment and made me feel pretty darn good about myself. I like the way he runs things. and I like taking jazz lessons from andy roberts. and I LOVE Tri-tone substitution. I love being done my work by 2 o'clock, Today love is in the air... But don't fear, i'm saving my love for you Sweetie! :) I love jazz quotes.


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