Thursday, August 31, 2006

So, I am having a mostly uneventful week. Although I did start part-time employment with Toys R Us incorporated... which could prove to be fun. They are going to be super flexible with my schedual so that working there won't interfere with teaching or playing... which is really the most important part.. Plus i'll get a 10% discount there, which will be nice when i finally have enough money to buy videogames again. Woot woot. It's Labor Day weekend in another day, and every labor day weekend like every labor day weekend since I was born, I will be at Williams Grove Historical Steam Engine Assoc's annual tractor show. I've been a member there every year of my life. and I have no intentions of stoping my membership or attendance now. I'm looking forward to taking lots of pictures for the photo blog over the weekend at the show. It looks like friday could be very wet. But we've endured wet years before... and so far the rain doesn't seem to be turning anyone away. This year the big steam train 643 is finally up and running, and it's nice to see.. taking the camper up thursday they had every car the assoc owns hooked up to it. and it was chugging along. So, you won't hear from me over the weekend most likly... unlike the beach we WON'T have air conditioning, TV, or Internet... because like my mother likes to point out... it's not so much a camp ground, as a big field.. although for this event, we wouldn't have it any other way.
I also made a new friend so to speak last night, she'll remain nameless for the moment. but it's always odd to find people you thought you disliked to be personable. So, that's always a good thing. Can't have too many friends. Especially ones who like videogames.
Alrighty, sometime monday or tuesday i'll probably update how the show went... and keep your eyes on the photoblog (link on the right hand side of this page) around the same time for lots of new pictures (weather permitting).
Other than that, I hope I find all of you well. Too all those bachman's and courtney's and ruby's and wensels, and melius's and vanessa's, and janice's and maggies, and well hell you all know who you are... well I miss you. and hope life finds you well.

Remember we're all routing for you.


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