Wednesday, January 18, 2006

These are the things that put a smile on my face, make deep pain lessen, and make me myself again:

Oiling my cast iron pots
Fatboy slim on vinyl
coltrane on vinyl
flaming lips on clear vinyl
amazing girlfriend who brings amazing vinyl
Building a giant lego pirate fort
My father, who despite knowing how he did it.. fixed my keyboard and put danny the fish back on the air
unlocking characters in smash brothers
plans to go turtle shopping
plans to go lego shopping
enjoying the simple pleasures of life
electric blankets and warm mist humidifiers
cuddling, but not just with anyone
tapping two wine glasses together and making them ping
the rain on my tin roof
hand carving my own chess pieces
matisyahu doing the hippest jewish beatboxing ever
star wars, the originals
the hat i knitted, that my buddha statue is wearing cause i made it too small
giant alphabetized dvd collection
having an x-box, ps2, gamecube, and atari in the house... and having someone who cares enough to play them with me
olive oil + garlic pepper
baby spinache

it really is the little things... i am a simple person... but i'm smiling :)

from the forest itself comes the handle for the axe... chop 'em down.


At 2:13 AM, Blogger jordan said...

turtle shopping?!


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