Monday, January 09, 2006

Wow, so long time since i've updated, and an even longer time since i've updated with anything of signifigance.... there are two reasons for this... A) I haven't been spending even a quarter of the amount of time i used to in front of the compute. and B) I have so many emotions and what not in my head that i really didn't know what i'd write.. My life has definentally undergone some serious changes these last few months... but i think things have turned for the better again as they so often do.

Firstly i haven't spoken to Erin in a long time, and there are still some regrets on my part over how the whole thing turned out. I don't know what to do about it, but i wish her the best, and i hope she finds happiness.... and i'd gladly take back all the pain i've caused her.

There is someone new in my life... which even i didn't really see coming (apparentlly others did more than me) an old acquaintence at best from highschool resurfaced in my life. And although I did honestly everything i could think of to make her not be interested in me. She's quite stubborn. cute as hell but quite stubborn. Her name is amber fry (if your honestly interested, (no known relation to kate fry, lvc'ers) but we are creepily comfortable together... and maybe a little too cute. in some ways we're opposites, but all the opposites have failed to become oppositions, instead they seem to compliment each other very well (ie. i'm a slob, and she enjoys cleaning, and although she can clean and organize like no one's bussiness, I'm the only one who can cook, haha) but things are nice.

I'm almost completly moved into my house. The bedroom needs decoration like no body's bussiness, but all the other rooms are just about complete (pictures on the walls and everything) me and dad still need to run a new water line to see if the washer/drying works... and get a new faucet put on the bathroom sink, and alter some things with the toilet.. but that's about it for the major stuff. I've been sleeping down here on a regular basis. The only thing there isn't alot of is food, so i still go upstairs(to my parents house lol, for food on occasion) there is an x-box, amber's gamecube has been living here, and a ps2 slim me and amber bought, so the videogames are covered... so's the booze.. haha, come have a drink. or watch a movie, which are alphabetized...

hmmm that's pretty good for now. I recommend if you haven't listened to the House of Falling Leaves Podcast yet, you do so. Episode 3 is up and we're only getting cooler from there. If you don't know how to find and listen to podcasts drop me a line. I think you'll enjoy it...

Well, maybe if life settles down a little more i'll post here more often. we'll see. all i know is this moment is ok by me.


At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that amber girl, she sounds pretty cool.....huh?


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