Sunday, July 24, 2005

27 No. 1 Singles on 1 CD

So yeah, Had alot of fun this weekend, at Randi's wedding, I would have said her new last name, but without my wedding matches at hand there is no chance at all of me spelling it... HAHA... I also did a painted today of the golden gate bridge, I guess it wasn't too shabby for my first try at painting... It was ok, and anything I did manage to do, was all thanks to too many hours of Bob Ross as a child... soothing voice.. Bob, we miss you....

Well in other news, I don't know if it's the redneck in me or what... but for the last few weeks i've been absolutally itching to get some kind of old car and fix it up... you know, the whole nine yards and all that jazz... and so forth and so on.... So today imspired by a particuarly good episode of MASH, and a trip to BJ's with my father... I have finally realized what i'd like to get.... An old Willys Jeep perferably from the 50's... no specific year, just one of the 50's... absolutally neatest thing ever... Finding, them isn't INSANELY difficult.. but I definentally don't have the money right now... So i'm going to start saving, and hopefully sometime in the not too distant future, I can get one, and start fixing it up... So peoples I realize most of you don't live in the sorts of places where old cars pop up for sale alot... but if you see one LET Me know!! HAHAH, there is more stuff going on... but I'm on empty,
Back at ya homies.


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