Tuesday, February 01, 2005

New Post,

firstly thank you Jordan for getting the riddle correct. It makes me feel oddly better, about what, i'm not sure.

Secondly, God, I don't know who you are. If your someone i'd consider a friend i'm sorry, but your an asshole. Although it's true that you are one of the few whom posts here on my merry little site, it's apparent that A)Even if I believed in a personified God, you are not he. B) You obviously know little about me, or at least little of anything i'd consider important about me. So either A)Post as yourself or B)Stop wasting my time and your energy

School has me worn thin. Too thin, in fact. I've never had so many things overlapping each other, and fighting for position. I'm both not eager too leave this place, and yet ready as hell to get out of here. I wish I had a big wad of fallback money, enough that I could afford to travel for a year before starting "life" There very little I enjoy in life. One of those things is my fiancee, we think we've got a wedding date set down June 3, 2006. Although who knows, but for now that's when it's coming off, and i'm excited about that. I like playing my horn too, I finally feel like i'm starting to progess again. I just don't have time, I have to try and figure out math, and read for international relations, and work, and sing, and just too much extraneous shit... it's like my room, Erin will testafy, it's just full of shit... I don't know, I just seem to collect it, and live in it. And I feel connected to it... but in my head i perfer things to be plain and simple. I feel like i need to clean out my life and my head.
I've been trying to work out, which is going well, and eat less... which isn't going super great, but i'm definentally eating things that are better for me... and putting down alot of water... So hopefully if i can prune the food back a little more and work out a little harder i'd be able to start to see the gains, in the way of less gain.

I really miss having martial arts lately.. I could join our school's tae kwon do club, but I tried it before and it's just not fullfilling.. I want to learn Kung fu actually, perhaps one of the soft arts like Tai chi chaun... or possibly praying mantis... it's just a pipe dream, there is no where around here that offers Kung Fu.. And since the Tae kwon do club lost it's room, I don't even have a place to practice. There's too much danger of destruction in the room.. and i'm not comfortable practicing by myself in the gym... perhaps if I had a sparring partner. But I don't... ohh well, I honestly wouldn't even know what to practice, except basic striking. I do mediatate every once and awhile, which is nice, when i'm not too tired to even sit without passing out. which can be meditation in and of itself... but that's not really for me to talk about...

Ohh I dunno... I guess i'm just tired and it's late... Bed dear stief, Bed.


At 6:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

try yoga

At 11:29 PM, Blogger Daniel R said...

Yoga isn't a martial art, If you were reffering to it's similarity to tai chi, i'm disscussing tai chi quan as a fighting art, and not as a theraputic excersize regimen.


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