Monday, December 27, 2004

Well, christmas is over... after christmas is always weird.
For the first time in what seems like years I actually have felt really at home while at home. I'm not working over christmas, there just isn't anywhere to get hired for 2 weeks with no intention of coming back. I'm fine with that, I don't really think my parents are, but i wouldn't expect them to be. Money is thight, really really razor thin tight, but that's really nothing new, and i've never much cared for the stuff anyway. And yes as my dad would argue I like stuff. I won't lie I love buying stuff and getting stuff and playing with stuff. But that's my child at heart, my wandering tinker. If I had to choose between all my stuff or three good friends, the friends would win every time.

this season is such a crossroads for me. and i'm honestly worried, not afraid, just unsure. With only a semester of school left, I have the rest of my life staring back at me. Of course Things with Erin are better than ever, and I still feel so thankful that such a girl still wants anything to do with likes of me. I miss my friends alot though too.. ha, friends, hardly a strong enough word really, comrades maybe. Bachman and Melius, the poor bastards take alot of shit from me, and i'm plenty full of it. But I wouldn't want any other people to have my back in anything. And i'm grateful for that. Bachman has been over to visit twice, and there has been much X-boxing, really not enough drinking. But comradery non-the-less. And dear mealius has just left for his 12 Day cross-country adventure, god speed brotha. I know somewhere deep that i'm really really going to miss these days. 20, 30, 40 years from now I know i'm going to be asking where the time went. I'm always so hopelessly nastalgic. I love hearing old stories though, as it turns out my grandfather, and erin's great-granduncle, two people neither of us ever had the pleasure of meeting, were best of friends.. small fucking world.. Ohh well, I digress.

On a lighter, or should I say much heavier note, I made the mistake of stepping on a scale. I won't give you a read out, but lets just say it was not good, Dan I thinking 2nd semester screams health overhaul. Much less Pizza, and beer.. Ok so much less pizza anyway. sigh...

Well that should do for now, there's always more to say... but that is for another day.


At 11:12 AM, Blogger Jason said...

Josh and I were discussing the need for a huge party over break. We should get on that. It's just a matter of where.


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