Monday, November 22, 2004

So i'm sorry, i've been neglecting my blogging duties. i suppose that some of it is that I was physdo-depressed after the re-election of our dear president. But that's all starting to feel like history. When the shit hits the fan, just don't say I didn't warn you. But it'll be 4 more years of idiocy at least I'll be able to tell my grandchildren and children that I did what I could to stop it.

In more recent news our small jazz concert went exceptionally well, probably the best i've been apart of yet. The banjo thing went over ALOT better than I thought it would so over all i way super super pleased. The only thing that does upset me about the whole ordeal is that there were NO memebers of LVC's music department staff there. Except Mr. Strohman of course. But not one other than him, that's dissapointing. It kind of sums up my 4 years as a jazz major here at LVC, even with a growing solid jazz program we're still just barely considered part of the music department. As a music student I take between 18-23 credits a semester. And even though i'm a jazz major how many of those credits are for jazz. 2, yup thats right. .5 credits for large jazz ensemble, .5 credits for small jazz ensemble, and a full credit for my jazz lesson. talk about feeling disregaurded. and minus the jazz professors Strohman, Mixon, Miller, and Roberts we never hear much about jazz. With small exception being in American Music history, but even then it's only given a class period or so to cover. I'm just grateful to have the tutilage of the aformentioned jazz professors, because they really are musicians on the top of their game, and with the right attitude you can real learn such an amazing amount from them. I look at how i played as an incoming freshman compaired to how I play now as an outgoing senior, and i'm truely amazed how much i've gained in 4 short... and I emphasise SHORT years. another highlight of friday's concert was that I got to play two radiohead tunes not only with some of the musicians i've been playing with for a long time. but also with Mr. Strohman himself. Talk about pressure, standing side by side with someone whos SO much better than you and doing anything you can to keep up. It's not an experience I will soon forget.

Me and Erin also celebrated 3 years and 8 months together... again talk about time flying... Either way, I'm definentally the luckiest guy in the world to have someone who takes such good care of me. Especially because I can be a real pain in the ass to deal with sometimes. Ok, most of the time. But she loves me anyway. And for that i'm eternally grateful.

What does the future hold? well that's hard to say. I'm definentally going to start teaching private lessons as soon as summer starts... I'd also like to move into the tailer as soon as I can too.. but it still has ALOT of work to get done to it.. but once i'm gradiated i suppose i'm going to have the time to really buckle down with that.. although that depends on how much I end up teaching.. I already have 2 students waiting and that's months before I even open shop... So i'm really excited about that.

My horn also had a crap load of work done to it at the shop, and must I say, it's so wonderful now.. I'm lucky my parents are as supportive about my horn as they are, dad offered to front the bill, and it was quite a bill, but ohh the difference it made, it's almost like I have a new instrument, it was really quite unbelieveable...

Well, that should give you at least a little bit of catching up.. I'll try to keep at it though, so you don't have to wait quite so much to hear from me.

What a difference a day makes


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