Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Me- "I hate fags."
Lintz- "That's one step in the right direction."
Me- "oh, well I like girls."
Lintz- "That's 2 steps in the right direction."
Me- "I have a girlfriend. Does that count as 3 steps."
Lintz- "Yea, that's three steps in the right direction."
Me- "Then I guess I'm three steps ahead of you."
Sorry if I offended anyone.
-I am a Christian and Love GOD!

The Me in this selection above is not me, thank god. But a selection from a profile I read whilst skimming profiles this evening... And frankly it makes my blood boil, there are too key points... Hate, And Love. This person, whom for his own sake shall remain nameless. Is a self-proclaimed christian who Loves God, isn't that nice. Now there the hate, is as i'm sure you read, I hate Fags... Now this alone pisses me off, but even more is just hate. Where in the Bible (being the source for all things christian) is hate considered a christian ideal? Or at least one that christianity is supposed to have? To hate another is to hate God. That last line should read I am a Christian and Hate God.

-- If you can't find God in the next person you come to, why look any further?


At 1:29 PM, Blogger Jason said...

But Dan, didn't you know it's ok to hate evil people? Why else would we want to post the ten commandments all over American or push our morals onto everyone? It's certainly not because we care about people. It's so we can clearly identify who we are allowed to hate. Duh.

At 7:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What more do you expect from a proud republican. It's a campaign of hate and discrimination. All men are created equal. Women don't count as men, and neither do homosexuals, which is why they're allowed to discrimiate against them and deny them rights. Oh and poor black men don't count either. Neither do poor people in general unless you believe God talks to Bush. Oh and neither do non-white people unless you pretend you're white but realize you can never truly attain that greatness.

At 2:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you can tackle that why don't you try tackling this...

At 5:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah I forgot my password, this is Bill Rice,...I posted a comment on that Jazziebabe2's site which I would like to reprint here:

" 'Women stopped having natural sex and started having sex with other women.' (from her original post)

Wow that's terrible. And by "terrible" I mean really, really hot."

Also what does this person you mention in your post have against cigarettes? Oh wait. Nevermind. You mean gay people. Yeah that dude sucks. If I were in the bathroom with him at the urinal I'd pretend to sneak a peak at his willie because that would freak the shit out of him.

At 12:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to be tolerant of other people's views. Practice what you preach.


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