Saturday, January 15, 2005

Well it's the saturday after jazz tour and what a long strange trip it's been. It's saturday morning and i've just done the best thing ever, slept in. After a week straight of partying until 2 in the morning and then getting up and dressing up at 5am I finally got some sleep. Although tiring, ok well, extreamly exhausting, jazz tour was of course alot of fun. I'm sure when I look back on my memories of school it's going to be up there as some of my favorite times. Actually there is a little jazz tour still left, sunday we play for a church, but official jazz tour is over.

The only down side of being back to school, is that Erin is back to school too. Which is always hard. I miss her alot, before heading back I managed to get a new polariod picture of her. She's cute as always to me, but she hates it. It's sorta crunched up a bit because I had to fight her, pin her to a wall, and take it from her to get it. It was fun. and I scratched my swatch pretty bad, but I got the picture. I did promise her that if I get a new new picture that i'll destroy the old one if she wants. But things with her are good (except that I don't get to see her enough), over break we worked in the trailer some more, it's really starting to come together. One of the advantages of being engaged for a long time, Is people tend to give you household items to help in your future life. For example, we have just about everything you'd need to stock a kitchen, all free from other people, refridgerator, stove, plates, bowels, cups, silverware, a kitchen table, shot glasses, pasta cookers, crock pots, the workd. It's really nice, because it means a lot less stuff we'll need to buy when we move in. Ohh ohh and how could I forget we have a dog! Yes I know, but it was a bit of a rescue mission sort of thing. I don't feel like typing the details right now, but I'll tell you her name is Molly and she's an adorable little mutt. She is currently living with my mother-in-law, but will move in with us when she can.

So in lieu of our normal summer vacation my parents have opted to take us (being me, erin, my sister, and one of her friends) on a cruise out of florida. I'm still a little skeptical but that's just because it's not our usual tradition, i'm actually quite sure we'll have alot of fun. But that's still a little far away to think about, after graduation actually, which I REALLY don't want to think about.

Now that Bachman is living with us he and I have embarked on a sacred mission. For anyone whom knows the movie kill bill, you may or may not know that there are ALOT of references to other movies in it. Well me and Bachman have compiled a list of over 88 movies referenced, and have made it our sacred goal to watch as many as possilbe. So far we've watched, resivior dogs, pulp fiction, fists of fury, game of death, The legend of the 8 samauri, and we have a copy of citizen kane to watch sometime soon. So we'll keep you all updated and such on that.

Finally, as jazz tour is about over, monday officially but sorta today, I'm really going to put some time into getting back in shape. There are multiple reasons for this. A)I'm really too fat, period, end of story, too fat. B)I come from an overweight family, because we're going on a cruise we're all going to try and drop 30 pounds till the trip, I know what your saying, but minus my sister, we all need it. C)Watching all these martial arts movies really makes me want to get my own skills a little more in shape as well, and there just arn't alot of obese martial artists. So anyway, today, maybe with jason bachman at my side, i'm going to head up to the gym.
Pray for me


At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't bother watching Citizen Kane - worst movie EVER in my opinion! Glad to see your break went well - good luck hitting up the gym, it can be a real pain in the ass sometimes.

-Janice- :-)


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