Monday, January 26, 2004

So what's new, what's new

Well I didn't Pass my piano so it looks like it's at LEAST 1 more semester of school for yours truely, really makes me feel like my life is at a standstill but there just doesn't seem to be much of a way around it.
I got alot of nice things for christmas, a banjo, lots of good clothing, including the most comfortable pair of boxers i've ever owned.
Lets see, this coming weekend me and Erin are going on a DATE! I know for a couple of nearly 3 years that seems a silly thing to be so excited over, but it's something we never really did a whole lot when we were "going out" most of our going out involved staying in... So i'm super looking forward to it. T.J. Rockwell's and Movie... aww man, it's going to be sweet.
I don't really love my classes this semester, don't hate em, but they don't really excite the crap out of me. So yeah.
I need to start working out hardcore, like alot hardcore, and since night classes were cancelled, thank you snow, I might get a start on that tonight. Hopefully, if everything goes appropriatly.
So hopefully i'll update all regular like now, and you'll keep visiting my humble little stop leak of a space, savy?

It is very hard to be simple enough to be good.


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