Tuesday, April 26, 2005

"People said his brain was infected by Devils"

Not a bad day, went to the mall and got some stuff. A new Dirt bag (hackey sac) to replace mine that got destroyed in the rain eariler this year. As well as two amazing art books. One of Dali, and A huge set of sixty or so Rembrandt prints... the great thing is they were both 3 dollars on the bargan racks. The dali is really amazing, but I think still too far out for me to completly enjoy. The Rembrandt is much more simplistic... but for me there is real beauty in simplicity. There is one piece I am especially drawn too. Now I must preface this by mentioning that i'm not usually a big fan of paintings and pictures of Jesus... I never find that they really capture how I picture the man being. Too often the pictures are on the crucifix, which is dramatic... but doesn't account for the kind of person he was... In my mind, reflective, friendly, very contemplative, I imagine he spent alot of time with his mind wandering... now, most pictures don't capture that kind of Jesus... But one particular Rembrandt work, Jesus at Emmaus, I dunno, just something about it is perfect for me. Maybe i'll post a little snapshot of it. I'm just really really intrigued by it... I thought about trying to do a few sketches of it. I dunno if my meager skills are up to the task however. I guess like so much in my life right now, i'm at the pure hating mercy of time.


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