Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Well, I guess since people seem to be in a sorry way without my delightful words, an update is in some sort of order. It's a wednesday and i'm quite happy about that actually. Because it's 5 o'clock... and that means, that all the things I hate about wednesday, piano, and math to name a few. are already over!!! In true wednesday fasion i'm sporting a somewhat disasterous headache. But I guess that's life. I think it would go away if I got a little something to eat. but that's not until seven. So my poor tummy must wait two more hours. But that is OK.
Things with me and Erin have been superfantastic. We hit a rough patch there for awhile. But nothing has the potential to make you grow like adversity. I won't get into the details. but Damn do I love that girl.... in spite of myself... no just kidding. She's a pip.
I noticed I only got one comment on any of my art. so I guess it less than moved the lot of you. Ohh well.. I never claimed it was great. Just like most things I do mediocrity reigns.
Something I am finding myself to be rather good at, is Reed alterations. Yes usually a grim art betaken by frustrated woodwind players, I've been finding that I not only enjoy the art of trying to make a saxophone reed play better. I'm pretty damn good at it, if only by my own standards. I've signifigantly improved at least four reeds in a row now, and I have no intention of stopping there. Good for me!
not much else has been going on really, Easter break was nice. My car as all my cars do has been causing me panic and sadness. I think i'm just going to ride bikes or walk for the rest of my life.
School ends in another month or so, and then i will have graduated (hopefully). can't say i'm not scared about it. can't say i'm looking forward to it. But it's happening better or worse. and I have no choice but to ride it. So that's life.
and this is enough to keep you reading a few minutes. Hope you enjoyed it.


At 9:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you for the update

the guy before the anonymous guy in the side chat bar


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