Thursday, February 19, 2004

Jello and Spam, I have both!! Yes I have two very nice sized boxes of peach jello, and a miniture serving size can of spam... These are things I will eat in the place of perfectly healthy meals.... Speaking of unhealthy me and bachman sat up till now which you'll note is after 3 o'clock, to play yet another level of Halo....

So spring break is a short 2 weeks away and I absolutally can't wait! Me and Erin went through a bit of a rough patch these last couple weeks, but we're well through it, and i'm really looking forward to spending break just hanging out and being the great friends we always have been. I know that when all my other chips are down, and even when no one else want's to be my friend, I can always count on her to be there for me. And that means so so so much to me.

This friday i'm housing Jason Roach who will be on campus for the LVC honors band, he's a nice enough guy, but over the years he's developed quite an ego, one I hope we'll be able to beat out of him when he comes to school here next year. Which means I really need to be hitting the practice rooms alot more often, or i'm not going to have enough chops to beat a fourth grader...

I saw a new show this even, it's called witch hunter Robin... I liked it, it's on weeknight at midnight which unfortunatally ISN'T past the time that i'm usually in bed, so I belive i'm going to start watching it reguarly. Hey my sister and Finacee can watch the OC and all there shows... So it's Witch Hunter Robin and Law and Order for me! Yesssirr....

Speaking of being run down, it seems that everyone on campus this week is either sick, or feeling like they'd rather be sick... just a sort of general sense of run downnedness that no body can seem to shake, even Dan Melius whom took 3 naps today couldn't shake it... and I must admit, even i've been feeling run down.. and I don't think i'm getting any skinnier for it either...

I've been playing pool alot this year, both with my friends on Campus and with Erin, both on campus and at her house.. So I bought myself a pool stick, nothing fancy, infact really on the cheap side... but it's mine to call my own! :) it's a two part stick and comes with a carrying case... almost nessisary.. I mean i'd feel really stupid lugging a full sized cue across campus... especially if someone was already playing and I had to wait..

I did some good work these past couple weeks, good grades on both my Choral Lit teaching, and my Bass Playing exam.. Dietrich is a hard man to please so My high B was a gift and a compliment coming from him.. Now if only Violin were as simple to get sound out of as the bass.... The Bass is a "Dan Size" instrument, the violin, feels like a toy that if I hold it the wrong way, i'm going to snap it in two.. that's just how it is.

Well it's rolling around on the old half past three, and I think it'd be in my best interest to crawl my sorry (no matter how cute) butt to bed...

In the presence of eternity the mountains are as transient as the clouds... Think about it, please, think about it.



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