Wednesday, January 28, 2004

So i'm feeling alot better... my arms still hurt a good bit from my trip to the gym... but that's nothing a SECOND workout won't fix... The real excitement is that I have my big date this weekend... and boy talk about looking forward to something... I just really can't wait... i'm so excited it's been much to long since i've seen erin..
I do have one concern at the moment, my puppy dog Ellie, whom i've grown somewhat attached too, got hit by a truck and broke her hip... She's going to be going to an orthopedic surgeon, and I think since she's just a puppy she should recover fine... but i'm still worried about her... because.. well, she's my puppy... and we've been getting along pretty good lately. But i'm confident she'll be up and running in no time. This time with an invisible electric fence running around the yard... she'll probably get zapped, but it's for her own good. So pray my puppy is feeling up to speed as soon as she can.
Got a new album today, Thank you courtney, by a band called Jet, they're straight up rock and roll.. you've probably heard them on tv if you watch such things... but I like them, and Maroon 5.... although right now i'm listening to the Buena Vista Social Club, which is completly un-related.
In related new, my fiancee Erin is silly, and I love her

Nuff said... Leave Comments you lazy readers.


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