Friday, June 23, 2006

Well, as i said i woul... I promised to make a post for you now at this time....m......... Becuaase earlier ikn this our fine blotsite, I had previously said that i would post this post now.. as opposed to posting it ant any other time.. available. So I had a lot of many troubles trying to decide what i was going to poston this post.. because there was so much epecial things from this evening... I do feel thsoe warm waves... hahahaha...... This doesn't make sense.. Does it!!! Does IT!!! I bet you think i'm usher in trophy's of new tomorrows and that all my sorrow is simply welled up to where it isn't... do you know? do you know? do you know? do you know? I don't actually be known, but i might actually be told ... well, left over eggs... they get wuite cold...



At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no idea what any of that means, but it would make an awesome song. Write, it brotha! With love from the Jerz,


At 5:11 PM, Blogger Daniel R said...

things got really bad after this was posted... really really bad


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