Saturday, October 29, 2005

From Friday Feb 1st, 2003

Erin! Yes Erin, who does not count as one of the 3 friends because she's much more than just a friend... She's my Darling Fiancee!
When I met her my senior year in high school she took me from being depressed and unconfident, and made me the happiest little piece of shit you've ever seen.
She goes to Shippensburg University which is like technically an hour and a half away (actually more like an hour), where she is studying chemisty, with plans to go to dental school.
For these reasons the wedding isn't going to happen till 2006, probably may 20, It feels like a long time away but i'd wait till 2066, heck i'd wait till 2666 if I had to, she's the dearest thing in the world to me.
My long term goals are to teach in the public school system until Erin finishes dental school, then after she's raking in more money in a week than i'd probably make in a month, i'm going to be a stay at home dad, and cook, clean, take care of the kids and such.

I still wish these dreams...


At 8:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous,
Please, for the sake of humanity, lock yourself away and never speak again. Dan Stief is as good a guy as anyone else. We've all fucked up before. We all have regrets. Life moves on, and sometimes you still hope that you can have what you had... it's natural. Just because feelings aren't reciprocated doesn't mean you can't have them. Never wish anyone to kill themselves... especially not Mr. Stief. Dan, I love you like only a guy from Jersey can :) You'll find something soon, I'm sure!

- Love Mealz

P.S. Learn how to speak too, Mr. Anonymous. your=you're. Thank you. Oh, and hiding behind a veil of anonymity is VERY mature. Almost as much as telling someone to kill themselves. I'm just glad Dan Stief is a much bigger person then you. I'd say I hope you die, but I don't wish that on anyone. You, I just hope you never type something like that again.

At 12:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God damn I hope anonymous isn't the guy erin's dating now, the person is a whiney angsty little bitch if I've ever heard one. Sounds like a 15 year old high school girl trying to sound angry but instead sounds immature.

At 11:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a different anonymous, and I have something to say. Maybe Dan should stop posting about Erin on his blog. By now everyone knows how much Dan misses her, but obviously she has moved on and doesn't want anything to do with Dan. If you two are meant to be, you will get back together, but I don't think posting things about her on your blog will make it happen. I think the ball is in her court now, she knows how much Dan is pining over her, no matter how pitiful some people may think that is.

At 5:42 AM, Blogger Daniel R said...

Ok, I'm going to chime in here and respond to that, new anonymous, A use your name, no body I know respects an anonymous typer, secondly to use Erin's own words, This is MY blog. To use my words, this is MY FUCKING blog. This posting of stuff about Erin isn't pining. Let me be honest, there is no pining. This posting is me trying to let a whole lot of emotions out, because my best friend in the whole world won't talk to me. Yes I still love her, I realize I'm not going to win her back, it's not the fucking point. This blog is my space to put some of my emotions, I have hardbound book where quite a few other emotions are getting put too. To be honest, my FRIENDS don't mind a couple extra posts about Erin, because unless i get it out, my friends can visit me in my grave. I've never loved anyone like i still love Erin, i'm sorry that she set a time limit of two weeks to get over that, cause two weeks just isn't going to cut it.
So maybe I am pitiful, well fuck it, I have every right to be. Bah, i don't know why i bother, i'm not even supposed to talk to strangers.
I miss her, I love her, If she really hates me as much as she says she's not reading this blog anyway. I know I don't read hers anymore, all that does is make me cry.

At 1:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you need to do what is right for you and what makes you feel better...everyone goes through this, you know i have have friends who care about you and that are here for you...maybe erin feels like if shes a bitch to you and pretends to hate you, she wont feel guilty for this whole thing...because even if she doesn't show it....she stills reads this, and cares....just be careful if things dont work out for her and she all of a sudden doesn't hate you anymore...stay strong and be the bigger person...

luv you


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